Two minds are better than one!!

Dec 21, 2017

One of the most amazing gifts and joys in my life is when I’m
able to connect with someone who challenges both my thinking/perceptions and expands
my understanding of life! I recently had lunch with a new friend who is a
recent college grad. This individual had studied and worked at a think tank
that does research with community development. It was a delight to both share
my passion but also hear this new friend’s story.

 I was also saddened to
hear of the passing of one of my professors this last week who had been very
instrumental in shaping my critical thinking skills. As I have read a variety
of tributes to this prolific author and lecturer it struck me that another one
of my professors, same age, grew up in the same home town, yet, weren’t close
and didn’t partner together. It was a bit of a shocker to hear this other
professor who was instrumental in my seminary days admit that because of their
different approach to apologetics they seldom worked together. I was also very
taken with another friend who mentioned this one professor who was well known
for his TRIADS in his classes and writings. (Triperspectivalism)

I had a delightful conversation with an old friend from the
80’s last night that brought to the forefront again that synergism is a very
powerful tool hopefully for good. It distresses me that our present political
system is afraid of having bipartisan discussions. I can’t fathom that it isn’t
possible to have many great minds come together, yes iron sharpens iron and can
‘hammer’ out an immigration plan, tax plan or a well thought out approach to funding
our government. Instead, we face another shut down of the government that is
tragically a byproduct of the unwillingness of those in power with differing
paradigms to work together and compromise.

One of the incredible gifts in my life is to have a super
intelligent wife of 44 years that is willing to listen, humble me and often
encourage me to continue to be a life learner and critical thinker. I
understand that many in the ‘know’ truly believe that their approach to life is
obviously the only way to make the world a better place to live. The
opportunity that is before us is to be more willing to learn from those around
us that are very different and be humble enough to consider another way. Is it
possible to work together with someone that clearly is your equal but has a
differing solution to the ills of the world?

Solomon, one of the early Kings of Israel, was given the
opportunity to receive a gift from the Lord. His choice wasn’t wealth or frame
but the gift of wisdom. He is the one who highlights the fact two can keep each
other warm and that a strand of three ropes is so much stronger than a strand
of one. Yet, the tragedy over the centuries is that too often most prefer the
strand of one instead of a willingness to admit that I benefit from your brain
power to help me be a better person and help the world improve!